TRX suspension straps are an innovative and fun piece of equipment to add to your routine. It might look like an odd fitness accessory, handles attacked to straps, but you can do an insane number of exercises with them. You can target arms, chest, back, abs, shoulders, and legs with TRX straps. It will challenge your body in unconventional ways with results in much faster muscle growth and increased fitness levels.

TRX straps are so convenient and diverse that you can easily purchase suspension straps and use them at home, your local gym or even at a group fitness class. Let’s talk about what they are and why they are so great.

Fast Results

All fitness levels


Strengthens Core



Fast Results

We live in a world of instant gratification. We want it and we want it now. TRX suspension training offers users exactly that. You are getting a full-body workout which makes routines fast and efficient. Using TRX forces the body to move differently which engages more groups of muscles. It doesn’t take much to start feeling the burn of a better-looking future.

TRX also enables users to work on their balance and this is great because it’ll set your abs on fire and tone your legs and back. Track progress by taking before and after photos or keeping measurement records.

All Fitness Levels

Anyone can use suspension straps, injured, elderly, obese or athletes. Routines can easily be customized to suit the user and fitness level so it really doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced athlete or recovering from an injury. TRX grows with the user so to maximize workouts, change your routine and increase the difficulty as you become stronger. Especially since TRX is low-impact anyone will feel comfortable using them without worrying about harsh joint impact.


Suspension straps are lightweight and easy to set up. All you need is something like a door, tree, post or beam to secure the straps. You can have an indoor workout one day and the next you are by the beach. Feel free to bring your TRX straps to your gym if they do not supply any. You can also easily bring them with you on trips and vacations. Keep your workouts interesting by changing the scenery and getting some fresh air from time to time.

Core Strength

Strong abs are the foundation of a strong body. They keep us stable, balanced and also agile. We love TRX straps because they challenge your balance and require your core to be engaged throughout the entire workout. Balance training is one of the best ways to stimulate the core and simultaneously engage all abdominal muscles. You really won’t need to spend any dedicated time on an abs workout because you are already training them through the course of your routine.


An important factor in maintaining any fitness regime is to enjoy what you are doing and to have fun. In fact, you are 80% more likely to stick to your fitness routine if you enjoy the workouts. Suspension straps allow you to get creative and really learn how to twist turn and use your body weight to challenge your strength. Once you learn the basics and get used to TRX, you will feel comfortable coming up with moves of your own. Click here for the best TRX routines.


You might look at these straps and question their greatness, after all, they are just straps with some handles. Well, once you start learning a few moves and making up a few of your own, you will quickly realize that there are endless possibilities. In fact, there are over 300 legitimate exercises that can be performed using suspension straps plus whatever creative moves you come up with. There is no excuse for boredom especially with a library of exercise moves. TRX is a different way to train and we all can appreciate a little bit of difference in our lives.

Final Thoughts

TRX suspension straps are well worth the hype and a great accessory to add to your fitness workouts. You can take them anywhere and start getting creative by inventing your own moves and routines. Many local gyms and community centers offer introduction classes so take advantage of the resources and try something new.

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