You probably already know that resistance bands are used to build and rehabilitate muscle. However, do you know what else you can do with resistance bands? That’s right, you guessed it. You can get the thighs and booty of your dreams! That round booty you think about is within reach. Let’s jump in and explain how to use booty bands, more specifically fabric bands. We will also go over some of the best exercises to perform to reach your goals in record time.
Resistance bands were first invented during the late 1800s and initially used for rehabilitating muscles. While resistance bands have long been used for physical therapy they have also evolved. Resistance bands now come in many different shapes, sizes, and strengths. There are also specific types of bands used to target the butt and thighs. These bands are made of fabric and are snugger then their latex counterpart.
Fabric booty bands are a little different than the latex or rubber ones that you may have seen. The fabric ones are more specifically designed to enhance the thighs and booty. They are wider which increases resistance and also limits the range of motion. This means that you will be forced to engage even the smaller muscle groups of the lower body. The more muscles you engage during a workout the faster you will see results.
Since fabric booty bands are designed to be tighter you will feel the burn faster and your workouts will be more efficient. Who doesn’t love a fast workout that gets you toned in all the right places? Now that you are ready to get started there are a few things to know first.
Choosing Your Booty Band
Fabric booty bands usually come in 3-4 different resistance levels and sizes. Be sure to choose one that will snuggly fit over your thighs. You want it to be tight but you also want to be able to move your legs. If you are unsure go with the largest one.
Everyone loves a bargain but we are here to tell it to you straight. There are a lot of products on the market and not all of them are designed for your satisfaction 3 months down the road. It’s best to buy one that’s quality and has great reviews. The last thing you want is to get a cheap one and have it stretch out within the first month. Our Favorite is THIS ONE.
Fabric booty bands are offered in really fun colors and designs. You will have plenty of options to pick one that is either your favorite color or one that easily coordinates with your outfits. How about one with donuts on it? Have fun with the colors and express yourself. By the way, we love THIS ONE!
Using Your Booty Band
One of the other things that make this fitness accessory so great is that it’s very simple and straight forward to use. All you need to do is unpackaged it and slip it on over your thighs. Then you dive right into your workout. It’s very straight forward and 100% user-friendly.
You want to use your bands at 2-3 times a week with at least 1 day of rest between each session. Resting a day between sessions will allow your body to recover and build muscle. It’s really important that you allow your body this rest day so you can maximize your results. If you are a beginner then aim for 15-minute sessions solely dedicated to your thighs and butt. Once you gain more strength go for at least 30 minutes.
The nest step is to have a workout routine. Booty bands are useless if you don’t know any exercises to use them with. Below are several examples of exercises that are guaranteed to give you tones thighs and round booty. Feel free to also get creative. You can take some of the exercises below and modify them by adding or changing your leg positioning.
The goal is to perform each exercise in sets. This means that if you are doing squats then perform the exercise 10-15 times and then take a rest for 20 seconds. Go back and repeat this 1-2 more times before moving on to your next exercise. For beginners, aim for at least 5 different exercises each session. For advanced users, aim for at least 8 different exercises.

Squat: This exercise works the quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and core.

Side Lateral Step: This exercise works your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

Clam-shell: This exercise works your glutes, inner and outer thighs.

Bridge: This exercise works your glutes, hips, thighs, hamstrings, and core.

Advanced Bridge: This is exercise is more advanced and works the glutes, hips, core, and inner and outer thighs.

Fire Hydrant: This exercise works the glutes, hips, core, and thighs.

Side Leg Raise: This exercise works the hips, inner thighs, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and obliques.

Donkey Kick: This exercise will work glutes, hips, inner thighs, and core.

Half Jack: This exercise works the inner and outer thighs, quads, glutes, hips, and core.