You have seen them lurking around the gym and online. It’s this odd-looking half ball attached to a base. Anyone ever stopped to ask exactly what it is and how to use it? Many people wonder the same thing so let’s dive in and unwrap the mystery of the BOSU

This wonderfully different fitness accessory was created in 1999 by a man named John Weck. He named it the acronym BOSU meaning both sides utilized. The idea came to him while practicing stability ball training. He kept falling and no matter how much he wanted to master this balance training he kept falling. The idea popped into his head to cut the ball in half and see if he could then find better functionality through his training. It proved to be a raving hit with seemingly everyone joining in on the BOSU trend.

The benefits of using a BOSU ball include:

      • Balance
      • Flexibility
      • Coordination
      • Core strength

The greatest part of the BOSU is that it is double-sided. Exercises can be performed on either the platform base or on the ball. This offers a wider range of exercises but also allows users to challenge themselves. Perform the same exercise on both sides to completely change the motion. Performing exercises with the base facing up engage balance, form and core strength. Push further and instead of regular pushups use a BOSU with the base facing up. It engages the core, back, shoulders and arms in new ways. This might seem like a slight adjustment but it is that slight adjustment that forces the body to get stronger.

Balance training has been proven to quickly increase muscle tone, posture, and coordination. It also boosts agility and helps prevent accidental falling. Adults should incorporate balance training into their routines 2 times a week. This will help maintain flexibility and optimal nervous system health. Using a BOSU ball is an easy way to practice balance with much less fear of falling.

Training with a BOSU ball makes exercising low-impact and suitable for all ages, fitness levels and capabilities. It feels safer and less intimidating than other balance training accessories. No matter what your ultimate fitness goals are there is a BOSU move that can challenge you. Below are some of the best moves to try out.

Some Moves to Try

Mountain climber

Plank up

Single leg crunch

Weighted side plank



Side crunch


Twist up

Plank knee-in twist

Using a BOSU ball will create different variations on classic exercise moves. These variations optimize muscle strength, encourage results and also make workout sessions interesting. Just when you think a pushup is easy, a BOSU ball will change the entire game. Fitness accessories such as the BOSU ball are not a requirement but rather a way to challenge the body and reach goals.

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