Stretching offers many benefits from increasing circulation to reducing the risk of injury. It’s a necessary element to a fitness lifestyle because it also helps with muscle recovery. Even if you only have time for a quick gym session stretching should be included. There are benefits of stretching both before and after a workout but if you only have time for one which would it be?

Most people seem to have opinions about when is the best time to stretch and for how long. Yes, you need to stretch and yes it needs to be every single day. Even if it’s a rest day adding a quick 5-10 minute stretch really helps to keep muscles healthy and limber. 

Stretching before a workout has several benefits. It’s a great way to prep your muscles and gets them ready to work. It can also be incorporated into your warm-up routine. Let’s take a take into the specific benefits of stretching before a workout.

Benefits of stretching BEFORE a workout

  • Warms up the body

  • Increases circulation

  • Reduces the risk of injury

  • Reduces muscle tension


Stretching before a workout is a wonderful way to warm up the body and slowly introduce deep movement to muscles that are about to get trained. This type of stretching doesn’t need to be too intense or take too much time. It’s more gentle just to wake up the body. A normal warm-up should last 6-10 minutes with intensity progressively increasing.

Increases Circulation

Increasing blood flow to muscles before exercising helps in many ways. If you are feeling tired or lack energy for a workout session then stretching is ideal. It increases circulation which will perk you up and offer a boost of energy. Good circulation increases the amount of oxygen supplied to muscles by dilating blood vessels. This also means that the heart and lungs are able to work more efficiently which increases physical performance.

Reduces Injury Risk

Whenever you exercise there is always a risk of injury. This is why it is vital that exercises are done correctly with posture and alignment in mind throughout the entire routine. Every single move should be done correctly and safely. This is how warming up and pre-stretching come into play. The body needs to be prepped before you just start swinging dumbbells around or running sprints. Stretching is a way for you to communicate with your muscles that they are about to get worked. It loosens any tightness and helps prevent injuries associated with not warming up. 

Stretching before exercising is optional and can be added to a warm-up. However, stretching after a workout is not as optional, you need to add it in. 

Benefits of stretching AFTER a workout

  • Cools down the body

  • Reduces lactic acid

  • Increases circulation

  • Improves flexibility

  • Reduces muscle tension


A cool-down after exercising is equally as important as a warm-up. This is the time to slowly decrease physical activity and allow the heart rate to reduce and oxygen levels to normalize. Cool-downs should take between 2-10 minutes depending on the exercise, how you feel, and how much time you have. Stretching is the very last stage of cooling down. It helps to reduce the heart rate and calm the body. Exercising is stressful for the body so allowing some time to relax afterward helps balance hormones and allows the body to relax and begin recovering. 

Reduces Lactic Acid

Not only does it help cool down the body but it also reduces lactic acid buildup. Lactic acid is produced within the muscles during strenuous exercising like lifting weights, sprinting or HIIT. The body is unable to produce the required amount of energy fast enough so the muscles generate it themselves. Lactic acid is produced to help with this process when there isn’t enough oxygen to help produce energy. If you are out of breath for most of your workout then lactic acid is present within the muscles. It’s not bad but it needs to be broken down so that the muscles can recovery quickly. More about lactic acid HERE.

Increases Circulation

Occasionally sore muscles are caused by poor circulation. By increasing circulation through stretching you are supplying muscles with oxygen-rich blood to help with recovery. Good circulation is also linked to lower cholesterol, reduced risk of heart attacks and coronary disease.

Improves flexibility

Most people will notice a difference in their stretching after working out. The body is warm and the blood is flowing and the muscles are more limber. It’s a great opportunity to practice deep stretching and really push yourself past normal limits. Stay in each pose for at least 30 seconds and with each exhale, go deeper into the stretch. Keep breathing and at every exhale keep moving a bit deeper. Make sure your posture is correct and that you can feel each stretch. Remember that stretching will feel uncomfortable but it should never hurt. 

Reduces Muscle Tension

Just about everyone can identify with tight muscles directly after a workout. Whether it’s from lifting weights, jumping rope or swimming, sore muscles are annoying and a tad painful. The reason muscles get tight after a workout is because they were constantly being contracted and might have microtears as a result. This is completely normal and the only way to gain muscle is through these micro-tears. Stretching after a workout helps to relax muscles and signal them that the contracting exercises are done. It will reduce muscle soreness and help to make recovery times faster and more efficient.

Which is Best?

Say you only have enough time to stretch once during a workout. Which one should you choose? Ultimately, stretching AFTER a workout is more important and helps speed up recovery. Not only that but you’ll be able to take each stretch deeper and it will enhance your practice faster.

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